Thursday, November 02, 2006

November here, and NO referral

So, my last hopeful estimate of when we would see our new daughter's picture was this month, November 2006. But things over in China have slowed to a crawl. Good news is that we have been officially approved by China, our dossier passed review. Also good news is that there is no danger of adoptions stopping completely. If things go on more or less as they have been in the last 2-3 months, we should be getting her referral in February or March. Things could suddenly speed up, of course. Or they could slow down some more.
It has been a fruitful time for us, in any case. Little Nene, who we call our Divino Tormento, has grown up A LOT. He is still spectacularly loud, but can be reasoned with, most of the time. Nico started his new middle school, and has transitioned very well. The other day I was at the pharmacy and I found myself buying Clearasil and diapers. Isn't that great? I have one with pimples and one who wets the bed. Although, in his defense, the diaper is mostly for my peace of mind. He spends most of the night in our bed! This whole family bed concept started making sense recently when we got a king size bed. When we had a queen, I thought all those people were crazy.

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