Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
We're in CHINA!!!!
getting very excited, as we will be getting our little girl tomorrow.
Our hotel is very nice. We walked in and there was a wedding going on
in the lobby. They all stopped and stared at us, especially Mana with
her amazing red hair. She took a picture with the bride and groom and
they were psyched.
I bought Mana a calligraphy set with a "chop" which is a stone stamp
with a person's name on it. Mana told her to make it Luli and she
wrote out the chinese characters for Lu and Li and said that was a very
nice name. So I'm feeling very good about her name. She said it means
pretty and she pronounced it with the accent on the second syllable.
very cute.
Mana also took a picture with two little girls in the lobby, part of
the wedding party, and also with an old woman in Tiannanmen Sqare.
Everybody stands around and giggles at Mana, she's like a superstar.
People take cellphone pictures of her ALL THE TIME.
China is so cool. It's a totally different world. Everyone is very
polite and helpful. We can't wait to meet our Luli.
At the wedding the groom was handing out cigarettes and the bride was
lighting them. Old chinese custom.
Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tomorrow we fly...
Friday, August 24, 2007
Luli, here we come!
We've bought our plane tickets. Adriana, Grazie and I leave September 13th for Beijing. There we will tour for one day, so we can see the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. Then we go on to Chongqin where we will meet our Luli. From there to Guangzhou. We leave Guangzhou on the 29th, through Beijing.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
The Feast of the Assumption
Friday, August 10, 2007
Her orphanage, Yunyang Chenxiang SWI, Chonquing

The pictures above are of our litle girl's orphanage. She was found near a hospital in Chongqin and estimated to be 4 days old. She was brought to this orphanage where she has been ever since. By all accounts it is a good orphanage. The children from there are well cared for and adjust quickly to their new families.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
I am overjoyed to introduce our new daughter,
Yang Fu Lin
Born 12/26/06, Just 7 months old!!
Yunyang County Chengxiang SWI, Chongquing, China
At 5 months she weighed 13 lbs and measured 24 inches in length. She is a moderate sleeper, likes to suck her fingers, laughs readily and prefers her caretaker.
I hope to travel next month, September, to bring her home.
******OUR CUP RUNNETH OVER**********
Information from her newly translated Growth Report:
When she was found, she was wearing a suit and a yellow sweater, wrapped in a blanket. She weighed 8.14 lbs and was 19.31 inches long. She was found 12/29/06 at a nearby hospital and estimated to be 4 days old. She is described as having a beautiful face, good and white skin. She eats and develops well. She has an easy going and gentle personality. She is active and lovable. She is so sensible.
Ok, I'm in labor!!!!! Don't forget to breathe, Grazie!
Check back later today for info! I'll post as soon as I have it.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Could the stork be flying?
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Around the corner??

Ultrasound Picture of Our 5th Little One
Well, according to the rumors bouncing around the internet, and according to simple math, our referral SHOULD be here the first week of August. Am I holding my breath? No, because with China, anything could happen. It may just as easily be the first week of September before we see our new child's face.
It is just the oddest feeling, knowing that right now, I may have a child, already assigned to me, on the other side of the world. I pray so hard for her, every day. That she may be safe, and comforted, and tenderly cared for, until she is in our arms. She'll never know how much we have loved her, before we knew her, and how anxiously we waited for her.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Virgencita, Cuidanos, Plis!
Friday, February 02, 2007
I want my children to be happy!
Hans Urs von Balthasar’s theology of the vows states: “Remember that it is nothing to do your duty. That is demanded of you and is no more meritorious than to wash your hands when they are dirty. The only thing that counts is the love of duty; when love and duty are one, then grace is in you and you will enjoy a happiness which passes all understanding.”
Yes, EXACTLY. Now that I am older, and the mother of a large family, I have found out what is the happiness I wish for my children. Not the happiness of the good mood and the lack of strife, of material plenty, and admiration and respect from those around you. I have found myself that when one has duty, and loves that duty, and attempts to fulfill it with love, that is true and lasting happiness. Love alone is not enough for happiness. Do not we all know many people that are deeply loved but not "happy"? Don't we know many people who love deeply, but aren't "happy"? But the person who identifies her duty with wisdom, accepting the onerous duty gracefully, and then performs it with love, that person enjoys "a happiness which passes all understanding".
I think it is only through prayer that one can clearly see one's duty. Prayer is a place of intense honesty. If you pray with faith, then you truly believe that God can see into every corner of your mind. All the trappings of self-delusion and egotism fall away when we pray, and all that is left is the shining question: "What is my duty?", and if we persevere, the answer.
This is the happiness I wish for my children. Not the easy false one, of rapidly fulfilled desires, but the lasting one, of wise discernment and warm compliance.
Friday, January 12, 2007
New Year, new baby???
So a new year has come. We're still expecting and it's been a looong pregnancy. But, no nausea, insomnia, or body morphing. Not that I begrudge the children those discomforts. The latest from our agency is a suggestion that we renew all our paperwork (ugh) and an optimistic plan for a referral in April.
That is really around the corner. And the truth is that this past year has been very useful to all of us. We are all better for a little waiting, I think. I suppose, now, finally, a little girl is alive that is destined for us. I pray that she is being well cared for and feels some tenderness.