Thursday, June 15, 2006


This is my very first post, and I'm not sure how much, or what to say. I've started this blog to make it easier for my friends and family to follow along in our adoption process, especially while in China. I have a vision of being able to post lots of beautiful pictures of our new baby with lots of great commentary, and people who care can log on and see it all. This presupposes some technological savvy on my part, which is lacking. So I'll practice for a while.
We are your basic family, Mami, Papi and four children. I say Mami and Papi because I'm Cuban-American, therefore we refer to our coming little girl as Our Chinita.
We sent in our dossier in November of 2005. We have 3 boys, ages 11, 6, and 2. We also have a 9 year old daughter. As you can see, we need another girl!
When we first applied, we were told there would be a 7 month wait, but this has stretched out and now we're hoping we get our referral in November and will travel in December. But this is just a hope, and it could go longer. We requested a baby girl, as young as possible, and we are hoping she'll be 7 or 8 months old, although however old she is will be fine with us.
We don't know what her name will be, this is in negotiation.

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